Basu's Bayesian Bears¶
I recently read a blog post with a colorful description of the famous "Basu's Bears" survey sampling problem. In this problem, we want to estimate the sum of 50 bears' weights, but we can only measure a single bear. Fortunately, we also have all the bears' measurements from a year earlier. The blog post described a calibrated frequentist estimator, but I'll try a simple Bayesian approach with Numpyro. We'll estimate the factor by which each bear gained weight and apply this factor to all our previous measurements.
def bears(prev_weights, obs=None):
mean_factor = 1 + numpyro.sample("mean_factor", dist.HalfNormal(1))
with numpyro.plate("bears", 50):
factors = obs / prev_weights
factors = numpyro.sample('factors', dist.Normal(mean_factor, 0.1),
obs_mask=~jnp.isnan(factors), obs=factors)
numpyro.deterministic("total", jnp.sum(factors * prev_weights))
Say our previous weights look like this:
prev_weights = jnp.array(40 + np.random.randn(50) * 4)
And say we observe that the single bear we sample has a weight of 43.
obs = np.full(50, np.nan)
obs[0] = 43
obs = jnp.array(obs)
Then we can check the posterior over possible totals.
mcmc = fit_nuts(bears, prev_weights, obs=obs)
If we didn't know about the previous weights, we'd have to go with a simpler model.
def bears_simple(obs=None):
mean_weight = numpyro.sample("mean_weight", dist.HalfNormal(50))
with numpyro.plate("bears", 50):
y = numpyro.sample('y', dist.Normal(mean_weight, 4),
obs_mask=~jnp.isnan(obs), obs=obs)
numpyro.deterministic("total", jnp.sum(y))
mcmc = fit_nuts(bears_simple, obs=obs)
As we can see, the additional information (last year's weights) lets us eliminate a substantial amount of uncertainty!