Election Forecasting with a Random Walk through the PollsĀ¶
import polars as pl
import polars.selectors as cs
from cmdstanpy import CmdStanModel
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import logit
from patsy import dmatrices, dmatrix, build_design_matrices, standardize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import arviz as az
This post will go over a simplified version of the Economist's model of the 2016 US presidential election.
Let $m_{t, s}$ be the log odds of state $s$ voting democratic if the election were held on day $t$. We'll assume that $m$ obeys a backwards random walk:
$$m_t \sim \mathcal{N}(m_{t+1}, l\ S)$$
Here, $S$ is the state election outcome convariance matrix and $l$ is a lengthscale. On election day $(t=T)$, we give $m_T$ a normal prior centered around the prediction of a linear model using the annualized growth rate of second quarter GDP, the June approval rating of the incumbent, and whether it's the president's second term (Abramowitz's Time for Change model). We'll assume that the state-specific deviations from the Abramowitz model at year $y$ will describe the deviations at year $y+1$ too, give and take some Gaussian noise
We'll train the fundamentals model on the past 18 elections (from '48 to '12) and tune the length scale on poll data from the past three. This gives us a prediction of the 2016 winner.
Here's the associated Stan model:
!cat model.stan
data { int W; int Y; int F; int G; matrix[F,4] X; vector[F] y; row_vector[4] pred_X; matrix[51,G] dem_logits; vector[F+1] dem_inc; matrix[51,51] S; int N; array[N] int obs_n; array[N] int obs_year; array[N] int obs_week; array[N] int obs_state; array[N] int obs_dems; } transformed data { matrix[51,G] deltas = dem_logits - rep_matrix(((2 * dem_inc[F-G+1:F] - 1) .* logit(y[F-G+1:]))', 51); } parameters { vector[4] beta; real<lower=0, upper=1> pred_y; array[Y,W] vector[51] steps; real<lower=0> l; real<lower=0> sigma; real<lower=0> delta_sigma; vector[51] pred_delta; } transformed parameters { array[Y, W] vector[51] m; m[Y,W] = (2 * dem_inc[F+1] - 1) * pred_y + pred_delta; for (p in 1:Y-1) m[Y-p,W] = dem_logits[,G-p+1]; for (i in 1:(W - 1)) for (p in 1:Y) { m[p, W - i] = m[p, W - i + 1] + l * S * steps[p,W - i]; } } model { sigma ~ exponential(1 / sd(y)); l ~ exponential(1); delta_sigma ~ exponential(1); beta ~ normal(0, sd(y) * 2.5); y ~ normal(X * beta, sigma); pred_y ~ normal(pred_X * beta, sigma); for (p in 1:Y) for (w in 1:W) { steps[p,w] ~ std_normal(); } for (i in 1:N) { obs_dems[i] ~ binomial_logit(obs_n[i], m[obs_year[i], obs_week[i]][obs_state[i]]); } for (i in 1:51) { deltas[i,2:] ~ normal(deltas[i,:G-1], delta_sigma); } pred_delta ~ normal(deltas[,G], delta_sigma); }
We can get the growth rate of second quarter GDP and June approval rating from Abramowitz's original dataset.
abramowitz = pl.read_csv("../data/abramowitz_data.csv").sort(
pl.col("year")).with_columns(incvote = pl.col("incvote") / 100)
At first glance, the data certainly seems amenable to a linear fit.
sns.relplot(abramowitz.to_pandas(), x="juneapp", y="q2gdp", hue="incvote");
Here's the historical data we'll use for training.
fundamentals_training = abramowitz.filter(pl.col("year") < 2016)
y, X = dmatrices("incvote ~ standardize(juneapp) + standardize(q2gdp) + term2", fundamentals_training.to_pandas())
And here's the data for the election year we're trying to predict.
pred_X = build_design_matrices([X.design_info], abramowitz.filter(pl.col("year") >= 2016).to_pandas())[0][0]
The Abramowitz's model predicts the incumbent's two-party vote share, but the poll data is for democratic vote share. To translate between the two, we need to know whether the incumbent is a democrat.
dem_inc = abramowitz.select(pl.col("deminc")).to_numpy()[:, 0]
We'll also need state specific vote totals so we can calculate their deviations from the national model.
state_vote_data = pl.read_csv("../data/potus_results_76_16.csv").filter(pl.col("year") < 2016).select(
pl.col(["year", "state"]),
dem_frac= pl.col("dem") / (pl.col("dem") + pl.col("rep"))
).sort(pl.col(["state", "year"]))
dem_logits = np.reshape(logit(state_vote_data.select("dem_frac")), (51, -1))
From the same dataset, we can find the covariance in state-level swings.
state_vals = state_vote_data.pivot(
on="state", index="year", values="dem_frac"
To ensure that $S$ is positive definite, I'll add diagonal noise.
S = np.linalg.cholesky(np.cov(state_vals, rowvar=False) + 1e-4 * np.eye(51))
Finally, the old HuffPost Pollster website provided a csv file with a collection of state and national polls. As polls are often conducted over a period of several days, we fix the time of a poll as the midpoint between the start and end dates and use week-level granularity for the random walk.
states = pl.Enum(state_vote_data.get_column("state").unique().sort())
def prepare_poll_data(data, dem, rep, fmt, year):
return data.filter(pl.col("state") != "--").with_columns(
total_votes = (pl.col("number.of.observations") * ((pl.col(dem) + pl.col(rep)) / 100)).round().cast(pl.Int32),
pl.col(["total_votes", "start.date", "end.date"]),
week=(pl.col("start.date") + ((pl.col("end.date") - pl.col("start.date")) / 2)).dt.week(),
dem_votes= (pl.col("total_votes") * (pl.col(dem) / (pl.col(dem) + pl.col(rep)))).round().cast(pl.Int32)
poll_data = pl.concat([
prepare_poll_data(pl.read_csv('../data/all_polls_2008.csv', infer_schema_length=10000), "obama", "mccain", "%m/%d/%y", 1),
prepare_poll_data(pl.read_csv('../data/all_polls_2012.csv', infer_schema_length=10000), "obama", "romney", "%m/%d/%y", 2),
pl.col("number.of.observations").str.to_integer(strict=False).drop_nans()), "clinton", "trump", "%Y-%m-%d", 3)
Each file's polling data belongs to a single year.
poll_data.group_by(pl.col("election_year")).agg(min=pl.col("start.date").min(), max=pl.col("start.date").max())
election_year | min | max |
i32 | datetime[Ī¼s] | datetime[Ī¼s] |
1 | 2008-01-04 00:00:00 | 2008-10-31 00:00:00 |
2 | 2012-02-27 00:00:00 | 2012-11-05 00:00:00 |
3 | 2015-06-18 00:00:00 | 2016-11-06 00:00:00 |
We'll focus on the last 10 weeks to keep inference fast.
poll_data = poll_data.filter(pl.col("week") > 40)
We need to reindex the weeks from 1 to work with Stan's indexing.
poll_data = poll_data.with_columns(week=pl.col("week") - pl.col("week").min() + 1)
It remains to run the model.
data = {
"obs_week": poll_data.get_column("week").to_numpy(),
"obs_year": poll_data.get_column("election_year").to_numpy(),
"obs_dems": poll_data.get_column("dem_votes").to_numpy(),
"obs_state": poll_data.get_column("state").to_physical().to_numpy() + 1,
"obs_n": poll_data.get_column("total_votes").to_numpy(),
"N": poll_data.shape[0],
"S": S,
"dem_inc": dem_inc,
"dem_logits": dem_logits,
"X": np.asarray(X),
"pred_X": np.asarray(pred_X),
"y": np.asarray(y)[:,0],
"W": poll_data.get_column("week").max(),
"Y": 3,
"F": X.shape[0],
"G": dem_logits.shape[1]
model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="model.stan", cpp_options={'STAN_THREADS':'true'})
22:00:41 - cmdstanpy - INFO - compiling stan file /Users/sam/Desktop/us-potus-model/simplified/model.stan to exe file /Users/sam/Desktop/us-potus-model/simplified/model 22:00:47 - cmdstanpy - INFO - compiled model executable: /Users/sam/Desktop/us-potus-model/simplified/model
fit = model.sample(data=data)
22:00:55 - cmdstanpy - INFO - CmdStan start processing
chain 1 | | 00:00 Status
chain 2 | | 00:00 Status
chain 3 | | 00:00 Status
chain 4 | | 00:00 Status
22:04:58 - cmdstanpy - INFO - CmdStan done processing. 22:04:58 - cmdstanpy - WARNING - Non-fatal error during sampling: Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 47, column 4 to column 32) Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 47, column 4 to column 32) Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 47, column 4 to column 32) Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 56, column 6 to column 57) Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 47, column 4 to column 32) Exception: normal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive! (in 'model.stan', line 56, column 6 to column 57) Consider re-running with show_console=True if the above output is unclear!
We can see the effect of polling by tracking the uncertainty around the value of $m$ for heavily polled states. The most heavily polled state is Florida.
poll_data.group_by("state").agg(count=pl.len()).sort("count", descending=True).head()
state | count |
enum | u32 |
"FL" | 109 |
"OH" | 103 |
"NC" | 83 |
"VA" | 81 |
"PA" | 73 |
Below, we plot Florida's value of $m$ over time for 2012 and 2016. A grey background is drawn when polls were conducted.
m = fit.stan_variable("m")
Here's the data for 2012. We know the eventual outcome of the vote, so our uncertainty is low for the last week.
az.plot_hdi(1 + np.arange(10), m[None,:, 1, :, list(states.categories).index('FL')], smooth=False)
for (w,l) in poll_data.filter(pl.col("state") == "FL").group_by("week").agg(pl.len()).iter_rows():
plt.axvline(x=w, c='grey', linewidth=l, alpha=0.2)
For 2016, the random walk shows our uncertain prediction of how Florida would vote:
az.plot_hdi(1 + np.arange(10), m[None,:, 2, :, list(states.categories).index('FL')], smooth=False)
for (w,l) in poll_data.filter(pl.col("state") == "FL").group_by("week").agg(pl.len()).iter_rows():
plt.axvline(x=w, c='grey', linewidth=l, alpha=0.2)
We can see the quality of our model by sampling ficticious poll data from the posterior predictive distribution. The distribution over posterior predictive samples looks quite similar to what we observed.
inf1 = az.from_cmdstanpy(posterior=fit, observed_data=data, posterior_predictive="obs_hat")
az.plot_ppc(inf1, data_pairs = {'obs_dems' : 'obs_hat'}, var_names='obs_dems');
We can also check that for each observation, the fraction of posterior predictive samples that come from fitting on all the other observed values follows a uniform distribution.
az.plot_loo_pit(inf1, y="obs_dems", y_hat="obs_hat")
<Axes: xlabel='obs_dems'>