Random Walks on Polls
A while ago, the Economist published an explanation of their model of the 2016 US presidential election. This post implements a simplified form of that model.
A while ago, the Economist published an explanation of their model of the 2016 US presidential election. This post implements a simplified form of that model.
Numpyro models expect data in the form of a pytrees: nested lists or dictionaries of multidimensional arrays. But datasets usually don’t start that way: we u...
Accounting for confounders using Gaussian Processes
I’ve been playing Advent of Code this year. I started writing solutions in R, but soon realized I was better served by a more general purpose language. Julia...
Bayesian calibrated survey sampling
Hop Lists are a novel retroactive set data-structure that allow for a branching timeline.
Tracking a robot’s motion with maximum likelihood estimation.
Causal effect estimation with quantified uncertainty