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Finite Particle Approximations

Say you have a discrete distribution $\pi$ that you want to approximate with a small number of weighted particles. Intuitively, it seems like the the best ch...

Testing With Julia

The standard way of writing tests Julia is to write a test/runtests.jl file. Running Pkg.test() will when start a new Julia process that loads your package a...

Finite Basis Gaussian Processes

If your GP kernel corresponds to an inner product in a low enough dimensional space, you can speed up inference by taking a weight space view.

Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes

In a k-Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Process, we assume that the input points $x$ are ordered in such a way that $f(x_i)$ is independent of $f(x_j)$ whenever…

Krylov Methods

The $i$th Krylov subspace $\mathcal{K}_i$ for a symmetric matrix $A$ is the subspace spanned by repeatedly multiplying $A$ by an initial vector $b$. This mos...