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Fast Slam

Instead of representing the joint distribution of an object and landmarks’ locations with a multivariate Gaussian, we can use a particle filter.

EKF Slam

A hands-on introduction to an old technique for simultaneous localization and mapping.

Conjugate Computation

This post is about a technique that allows us to use variational message passing on models where the likelihood doesn’t have a conjugate prior. There will be...

A Taste Of Qmc

Error with standard Monte Carlo methods decreases as $O(n^{-1/2})$. Quasi Monte carlo methods have error that decreases as $O(n^{-1})$, as we demonstrate wit...

Sparse Variational Gaussian Processes

This notebook introduces Fully Independent Training Conditional (FITC) sparse variational Gaussian process model. You shouldn’t need any prior knowledge abou...

Differential Equations

In my freshman year of college, I took an introductory differential equations class. That was nine years ago. I’ve forgotten pretty much everything, so I tho...